A good time was had by all at our end of year Christmas Dinner. There were plenty of raffle prizes and even a visit from Santa and his helper “Elvis” the elf.

Rob’s Roasts catered the dinner which everyone tucked into and thoroughly enjoyed. The main meal was followed up by a bowl of fruit salad or apple pie and cream and chock chip icecream, and as there was a lot of icecream over many of us went for a second helping of the icecream. ;o)

After the meal the raffle prizes were drawn in 3 parts, with breaks for the presentation of prizes and awards from the accumulation of points throughout the year.

The Christmas cake cutting is a club tradition and it is an honour to be asked to cut it. This year that honour went to long time member (40 years) Mrs Nancy neighbour who gave a little speech about the joys of volunteering for your club.

Santa arrived towards the end of the meeting with his helper Elvis the elf and gave everyone a little chocolate or two. He then thanked Elvis for his help, and presented him with a “little” Christmas tie.